DTU has hosted an internal webinar

Our partner, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet – DTU has hosted an internal webinar (only for eMOTIONALCities’ partners) in February, 25th 10h-12h CET where, beyond presenting their plan for mobility and health data collection in Copenhagen, an external speaker, Zhaoxi Zhang, a Ph.D. student from the University of Aarhus (Denmark), is going to share her experience with health data collection in Copenhagen.

Building Capacities to Integrate the Gender dimension in research projects

eMOTIONAL Cities project participated in the training session “Building Capacities to Integrate the Gender dimension in research projects“, promoted by the Gearing-Roles project that took place at IGOT.ULisboa (Portugal) on February 10thand was evaluated as an exemplary project in line with what the European Commission already requires in all projects that seek funding in the Horizon Europe. More info here