Shaping Light for Health and Wellbeing in Cities

Between 16th and 17th of December, the international conference ‘Shaping Light for Health and Wellbeing in Cities’ will be organized by the consortium of the ENLIGHTENme project which is funded by Horizon Europe 2020 programme. The conference is triggering to build better knowledge on lighting and health wellbeing in cities from diverse aspects and implications of light that affect life of humans besides to discuss challenges that should be tackled.

II Digital Geographies Conference

The eMotional Cities project was invited to prepare a showroom on October 29th at the II Digital Geographies Conference – Critical perspectives for economy platform. The conference will be fully online and free to delegates or attendees

eMotional Cities 1st Webinar of Visual Identity

eMotional Cities organized a webinar about Visual Identity on September 7th at 2:00 PM (Lisbon time). The purpose of this webinar is to explain the use of brand manual and templates to the partners. 

Analytical Approaches and applications

On the 1st of September, a Researcher and Postdoctoral Fellow at Lisbon University, Diego Mora participated in the virtual EEG Symposium ‘Analytical Approaches and applications’ as a representative of eMotional Cities project. Diego’s presentation encompassed the unraveling emotions across the urban environment with EEG.